This blog is just me mucking around with AI as I try to learn more about it. Mostly images with crazy themes that I dream up - I'm no artist and leave it to the AI to read my mind and make sense of the nonsense...

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Pictures from book text

Here's another attempt at getting AI image generators to take a cool descriptive passage from a book and turn it into art.  This time around I've used some text from a short story "The Land before Life" by Jamie Brindle.

I've broken the the task into two passages.  The first describes the creation of a universe and generated some neat images:

There was an awful lot of something and an awful lot of the exact opposite, all scrunched up together very tight. This situation lasted for about as close as you can get to no time at all whilst still existing in a place where time has, for once, actually started ticking away. Then, with the abrupt springing noise of a Universe that is still getting the hang of things, the something and its exact opposite suddenly realised that they could cancel each other out, which they proceeded to do with great abandon. All at once, there was a great deal of energy around. After that, things were pretty much in motion. The small amount of something that was left over (there having been slightly more of that than its exact opposite) shot out in every direction, cooling, coalescing, and generally exploring the far horizons of the expanding cosmos. Some time after that, stars began to form. Planets formed up out of the patchy remnants of interstellar dust, swimming into focus like cells under a microscope.

I then added the next portion describing the evolution of some beings:

The vast majority of them were barren, lifeless things, but that still left a plethora that began knocking simple organic molecules together in interesting ways. Things rapidly got more complicated. Before long, little pouches of water were bumbling around, desperately trying to protect and propagate the small chains of novel organic molecules they contained, whilst simultaneously attempting to get one up on the other little bumbling pouches of water. After that, the little pouches of water grew arms and legs and started using mobile phones, but the basic format of life had essentially been worked out.


Finally, I tried a new free AI image creator and was pleasantly surprised:

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Pictures from book text

Here's another attempt at getting AI image generators to take a cool descriptive passage from a book and turn it into art.  This time ar...