This blog is just me mucking around with AI as I try to learn more about it. Mostly images with crazy themes that I dream up - I'm no artist and leave it to the AI to read my mind and make sense of the nonsense...

Monday 1 July 2024

Sc-fi critters

Currently reading a bit of sci-fi and some of the descriptions of the alien creatures are quite vivid so I thought I'd chuck them in and see what pops out.

The creature in this post comes from "Max and the Multiverse" by Zachery Wheeler.  It's the second of his books I've read and they're a bit of a laugh.

His description that I worked with: "plump and perturbed creature that resembled a humanoid walrus. Tattered fabric stretched across rolls of exposed blubber. Roped suspenders and a thick leather belt struggled to hoist a pair of baggy brown pants. A pair of tusks protruded from a set of beefy jowls, one broken, and the other ground to a nub. Yellow eyes bulged atop a bed of scruffy whiskers. Beads of flop sweat rolled down a splotchy bald scalp."

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